如何訂購(How to order)
① 將喜愛的商品加入購物車。
② 點選購物車 →前往結帳。
③ 登入→輸入帳號密碼。首次購物請點選第一次購物。
④ 進入購物車後可以確認訂購明細,若有折價券也請於此步驟輸入使用。
⑤ 選擇運送區域及付款方式。
⑥ 確認金額及收件資料。首次訂購填寫的資訊日後即會自動升級會員。
⑦ 確定訂購→進入信用卡交易頁面,請留意輸入的信用卡號、到期日以及卡片背後末3碼是否正確。
⑧ 完成購物確認訂單編號產生後,50% FIFTY PERCENT會寄發訂單成立通知信件至您的會員信箱。
⑨ 提醒您,海外訂單無提供退換貨,下單時請確認訂購內容及商品明細。
⑩ 港澳地區收件人請務必填寫完整中文姓名及收件人資訊;非港澳地區的國家,收件人請務必填寫完整英文姓名、英文地址及收件人資訊
① Once you've clicked on the product and you've got the item page open, just select the color/size if required and click 'add to cart'.
② Just click 'cart' in the right hand corner of the screen and click 'checkout'.
③ You'll be asked to log into your account if you're an existing customer or create a new account if you're new to 50% FIFTY PERCENT.
④ At the checkout section, you'll see an order summary of what you'll be receiving from 50% FIFTY PERCENT. If you have online coupons, you can enter your coupon code and apply it to your order.
⑤ Select delivery area and payment method.
⑥ Please check the amount of goods, shipping charges, and fulfill recipient information carefully. If you're new to 50% FIFTY PERCENT, this information will be your member profile after you successfully order.
⑦ The final stage of the checkout is the payment section. Please carefully fulfill your credit card number.
⑧ Once you've placed your order, you'll be taken to a confirmation page. You'll also receive a confirmation of order e-mail to your registered 50% FIFTY PERCENT e-mail address.
⑨ Pre-order items are unable to deliver. Please confirm the order and product details when placing an order.
⑩ Please fill with full name correctly.If there is any wrong information that makes the delivery unsuccessful,we will not return the refunds.
付款方式 (Payment method)
海外訂單付款方式為信用卡線上刷卡(目前接受卡別VISA、 MasterCard、 JCB)
※ 有3D驗證國內及國外信用卡,進行付款時需透過手機簡訊進行輸入3D驗證資料通過後才能付款。
※ 3D驗證部份是由消費者的發卡銀行進行發送的,若有相關發送的問題,請向發卡銀行進行確認。
● Please pay by credit card online. We accept VISA, MasterCard and JCB.
※ Questions about your credit card verification code, please contact your credit card company.
可配送地區(Countries we deliver to internationally)
配送方式 |
配送地區 |
順豐快遞 |
香港、澳門、馬來西亞、新加坡、泰國 |
貼心提醒 |
海外訂單無法購買預訂商品 |
Delivery Method |
Delivery Area |
SF Express |
Hong Kong、Macao、Malaysia、Singapore、Thailand |
Notice |
Pre-order items are unable to deliver.
We do not provide return service for foreign orders. |
海外運費計算(Shipping charges)
※ 因各運送公司不定期調整運費之計算方式,故實際將以結帳時所顯示之運費為主;而各國進口關稅標準不同,若領取包裹時,貴國欲收取商品之關稅或偏遠地區另收之費用,需買家自行支付。
※ 香港地區的貨件,配送地址若為較偏遠地區/非工商服務地址/倉庫碼頭等轉運站/住宅地址,會加收10-30港幣不等的物流處理費。
※ 海外買家恕無享有滿額免運之優惠。
● Shipping charges are based on the delivery area, weight and size of your order. Please pay attention to shipping charges displayed in the shopping cart.
● If you're ordering outside of Taiwan, your order may be subject to customs and import duties. 50% FIFTY PERCENT has no control over these charges and we can’t tell you what the cost would be, as customs policies and import duties vary widely from country to country. It might be a good idea to contact your local customs office for more information on the current charges.
● Unfortunately, we can't offer free shipping to international destinations.
● If you amend recipient address after your package is delivered, you may have to afford additional charges.
如何確認訂單及追蹤包裹(How to confirm, amend and track my order)
❶ 您可登入會員後至「訂單查詢」功能中查看訂單進度,可以點選訂單詳情查看包裹編號。
❷ 成立的訂單如遇缺貨,需等候7-20個工作天的時間調轉(不含假日)。
❸ 商品齊貨後,50% FIFTY PERCENT物流單位完成包裹包裝寄出,系統即會發送「出貨通知」至您的會員e-mail信箱中, 再麻煩您留意信函內容。
❹ 待寄出後即可於快遞網站查詢包裹最新動態及運送時效,順豐快遞寄送時間約5-7天
● You can check your orders by logging into 'My Account- Order Tracking ' and viewing your recent orders. After your package is delivered, you may also check your parcel number in 'My Account- Order Tracking '.
● We're really quick at packing your order up which means we can't make any changes once you've placed it. This includes changing the delivery methods, size/color/quantity of items, adding a discount after purchase or payment method including if your payment was declined.
● It takes 5-7 days to deliver international package. You can use your parcel number to track your package on express website.
SF Express Order Tracking
● You may be able to cancel your order while the status in 'My Account- Order Tracking ' is processing. If your order has been declined, you'll need to place a new one instead if you still wish to receive your items.
包裹異常狀況處理(Parcel abnormalities)
❶ 港澳地區收件人務必填寫完整中文姓名及收件人資訊;其他地區收件人務必填寫完整英文姓名、英文地址及收件人資訊
※ 若因填寫未確實導致包裹於出關前被退回,將會直接取消入庫,不重新配送
❷ 若遇商品或包裹有異常狀況(瑕疵疑慮/未於預計送達時間收到)還請e-mail通知客服人員,客服人員將會盡快協助處理(1-2日內定會回覆)。
※ 特別提醒:若當地的快遞公司多次投遞未成功且客服通知收件人也未取得聯繫,部份快遞公司將不再退回包裹,而我們也將不會再進行任何款項退款,還請您留意。
● If you provide the wrong information before delivering, we will cancel your order.
● Please fill with full name correctly.If there is any wrong information that makes the delivery unsuccessful,we will not return the refunds.
● If there are any abnormalities with your package or items, please send e-mail to our Customer Care team (
[email protected]). We will reply ASAP.
● If you miss the delivery attempt,Customer service contact recipient has not been answered,Some express will not return the package,and please note that we're not going to make any refunds.
invoice說明(About invoice)
依照台灣營業稅法50% FIFTY PERCENT將不會開立統一發票。
(營業稅法:直接外銷貨物或勞務予國外買受人得免開立統一發票),50% FIFTY PERCENT會於包裹中附上商品明細以供核對商品。
● According to Taiwan Business tax law, we won’t give foreign orders uniform-Invoice. 50% FIFTY PERCENT will provide delivery note in your package for you to check the items you’ve ordered.